At larger events, guild members may wish to organize a “solar” (the word comes from the room in a castle or manor where family members gathered, and where women typically performed crafts such as embroidery). This is an area set up for guild members to stitch and talk about embroidery during the day. It can be in a designated public area, or can be held in a member’s private pavilion or camp. A solar may or may not include a panel, and a senior member does not have to be in attendance if there is no panel.
Solars must be announced on the Thimble email list and open to all guild members or interested newcomers. The host/ess should make prior arrangements with the event staff (even if the solar is held in a private camp) and must send a brief account of the activities to the guildmistress after the event.
If desired, meetings of local Thimble members can be held outside an event setting (such as at a member’s home, a fighter practice, etc.). These meetings must be announced on the Thimble email list at least a week ahead of time, and must be open to all who wish to attend.
If a panel is desired at an outside meeting, all usual rules apply. In addition, the guildmistress should be informed in advance and the panel must be announced on the Thimble email list in advance. No unannounced panels may be held outside SCA events.