Evaluation of work to attain ranking is done during guild-sponsored Panels. This is a simultaneous review by no less than three guild members: two of journeyman level or higher, led by one senior member. The panels are in open forum so that members can observe. The member who has submitted work to the panel will be told immediately whether her work has been accepted for the level of expertise he/she is seeking. The paneler must be present so we can give person-to-person feedback on the work. Working level and competency pieces require a simple review, for period competency the paneler will be asked to give a short, informal talk and/or answer questions about the piece being paneled and use of the form in period. Those wishing to panel for period competence should contact the senior member running the panel ahead of time to make sure there will be sufficient time allowed. Also, senior members may decline to run a period competence panel if they do not feel their knowledge of the category is sufficient.
Works being evaluated must be accompanied by a Panel Submission Form. For convenience, this form can be downloaded from our Resources page.
A panel to evaluate Expert Level work is a more formal panel and requires planning in advance. It consists of five or more Senior Members, headed either by the current Guildmistress or a former Guildmistress. Those with expert rank who are not Senior Members may also elect to be on the panel.