The Keepers of Athena’s Thimble is the Embroidery and Needlework Guild of the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The guild provides an active forum for those involved in researching and creating embroidery as done in the pre-seventeenth century world.
Our members range from beginners to experts who all share a love of the decorative needlework done in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The only requirement for membership is a desire to learn and share your knowledge and skill with others.
Athena’s Thimble’s members seek and share knowledge in classes and informal discussions held in person and via our e-mail list. The guild hosts displays and competitions to show our work to all. Members who wish to may use the guild’s system of evaluation and ranking to measure their level of achievement.
Guild meetings are held periodically at SCA events, but activities go on through the year, at events and as members pursue their own work and research. Members are invited to use our email list and our Facebook page as a means of keeping in touch, showing their work, and asking questions.